Utilizing Stepper Motors in Life Sciences

Utilizing Stepper Motors in Life Sciences
Understanding that motion systems built for the life sciences must adhere to stringent accuracy and repeatability specifications at a price point comparable to standard off-the-shelf components—all at a footprint that allows for tabletop operations in a laboratory. It doesn’t matter if your providing dispensing for DNA samples, counting the number of cancer cells, administering pharmaceuticals to biological samples, motion equipment must be able to meet the versatility, ease of use, and cost-effectiveness of customers.
Expertise in supporting the life sciences industry is key when it comes to motion innovation, flexibility, and long life in a wide variety of environmental and chemical conditions. Lin Engineers has serviced the life sciences industry for the entire life of the company, continually contemplating the future needs of customers in order to design characteristics that add value to their operations.
Laboratory applications continually rely on long life while maintaining or increasing the speed of operation in critical applications. When customization is needed, Lin Engineering provides engineering solutions for everything from early prototypes to production quantities, along with full documentation and long-term service.
An important addition is Lin Engineering’s mean value control system—the 4.5 Sigma Way—where every motion device that leaves the facility must meet that control figure. To be sure that motion elements meet the required specifications, every component is tested before leaving manufacturing. Particularly in critical applications such as those found in the life sciences, this focus on quality gives customers the confidence that Lin Engineering products will perform consistently and reliably with the application.
Specific products, as well as application examples you find in this section, will highlight the advantages of working with a knowledgeable and capable team such as those found at Lin Engineering. For specific questions or specifications that are outside the normal needs of the industry, contact a sales engineering for consultation.
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How Stepper Motors Have Advanced Medical Devices
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