Lin Engineering


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The aerospace industry—and especially general aviation applications—where safety and reliability is critical, and where exposure to the elements can cause problems with equipment, it is essential to use motors manufactured in accordance to AS9100 Aerospace Standards. Aerospace engineers constantly face the challenge of designing products that will be exposed to a variety of environments including snow, ice, dust, mud, airborne particulates, and other miscellaneous debris.

  • Motors assembled in accordance with AS9100 standards
  • IP65 & IPX7 Rated Stepper Motors Available
  • US Based Support & Manufacturing
  • Quick Motor Prototyping

Taking environmental conditions under consideration during the design process, will allow for product features that can eliminate even microscopic levels of dust. Although, IP ratings assure that levels of dust and moisture are within the range of the protection code they are given, additional elements must also be controlled—like the ability to operate under the wide temperature ranges.

Material selection is a critical design concern when working with aerospace industry applications. Not only must the devices be properly sealed, they must provide components longevity to maintain operation when located in area that may be exposed to the environment.

For motor design, the proper IP Ratings might require permanent joints that are continuous. Motor surfaces that are smooth, impervious, and free of sharp corners. Because we’ve worked in this industry for years, our motors are ideal for aerospace applications.

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Why Choose Lin Engineering?

Our motors and motion control products are routinely used in medical devices, aerospace components, automation assemblies, and many other applications. Thousands of Engineers from around the world rely on the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of our products as well as our top-notch support.

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OEM Motors Optimized For Your Application

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Quick Prototype Turnaround

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Small Batch to Large Volume Production

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US Based Support and Manufacturing

US Based Manufacturing And Support

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Our office in Morgan Hill, California hosts one of our manufacturing floors as well as our engineering team. This allows our engineering team to provide support for any questions that may arise during the process. A big advantage of having our engineers near the production floor is that they can quickly review prototypes to ensure they are accurate to the specifications. Having US based manufacturing means Lin Engineering can provide quick responses to spikes in orders as well as kanban stocking.

Engineering Support

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For OEM Motor Projects, we’ll work directly with your engineering team throughout the design phase of your project to ensure the best overall system optimization and motor fit while avoiding over-engineering. Our experienced engineers can help you eliminate costly complexities and over-designing while keeping in mind future developments and improvements.

Applications Support

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Our US based engineering team is excited to help solve your motion control problems or issues. Our engineers have helped solve motion control issues for a wide array of industries as well as helped companies design and build new products. Being exposed to so many different projects has helped our team to think outside of the box when looking for a solution. 

Fast Prototyping

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Here at Lin Engineering we understand keeping your project progressing is important; that’s why we offer quick prototyping turnaround times, as quick as 7 days. This is possible due to the modular design of our motors. Don’t get caught waiting for the parts you need, using our rapid prototyping tool you can customize and order the motors you need fast.

Motors Capable of Withstanding Extreme Enviroments

Vacuum Rated Motors

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IP Rated Motors

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Hot & Cold Motors

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These motors are designed and manufactured to operate in unique environments for specific applications. Vacuum-rated motors, for example, are necessary for environments where out-gassing needs to be minimized such as vacuum chambers, space applications, and clean room environments. IP (Ingress Protection) rated motors are perfect for applications exposed to humidity, water, oil, and other various debris. We also carry motors that are specifically designed to operate in extreme hot and cold temperatures.

  • Vacuum and Ultra High Vacuum Grade Motors
  • Ingress Protection (IP) Rated Motors
  • Hot/Cold Temperature Operating Motors

Learn More About our Specialty Motors

Ready to start on your next product development project?

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For multiple quantities, separate using comma (e.g. 50, 500, 5000)

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