Lin Engineering

Premium Motor Solutions

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In motion control, no two applications are the same. Certain challenging applications require solutions that are not readily available over-the-shelf. In this section, we share unique solutions to unique problems proposed to us.

Premium Linear Actuators

Anti-Backlash Non-Captive Actuator
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High accuracy and repeatability with long service life.

16mm High Accuracy Actuator
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High Accuracy, High Power Density, miniature actuator

Why Choose Lin Engineering?

Our motors and motion control products are routinely used in medical devices, aerospace components, automation assemblies, and many other applications. Thousands of Engineers from around the world rely on the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of our products as well as our top-notch support.

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OEM Motors Optimized For Your Application

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Quick Prototype Turnaround

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Small Batch to Large Volume Production

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US Based Support and Manufacturing

Speak with one of our motion control experts about your next project.